Details: 2017 Canadian Car of the Year (CCOTY) Awards

Here’s a little at-a-glance look at one of my proudest ongoing projects: the Canadian Car of the Year Awards. I work with a fantastic team of colleagues as the program Co-Chair, and every year, we bring several dozen vehicles, and several dozen new-this-year (or significantly updated) vehicles together for a week of driving, testing, scoring and evaluation.

The event runs the last week of October, and comprises the testing portion of the Canadian Car of the Year awards. By the end of the event, we have collected over 100,000 data points, ranging from cargo space, to acceleration, to fuel economy to ride comfort (and lots more).

So, when we declare a winner, we’ve got data galore (and testing results from thousands of man-hours of back-to-back competitive evaluative test-drives) to back it up.

This week? The testing. Overall winners are announced in February, at the Toronto Auto Show.

More information on the program, and entered vehicles, and past-year’s scoring and testing results at the AJAC Website.

Check the video narrated by yours truly for a little more information.